While Riley wasn't part of Oxenfree's story, an update to the game in 2021 ties the two together, so we're likely to see plenty of references or even meet some of the original group of teens, now young adults. Riley is an environmental researcher who returns to Camena after noticing strange radio transmissions, five years after the events of Oxenfree. Or at least until you do that second playthrough.Oxenfree 2 follows a character who didn't appear in the original Oxenfree, Riley. Oxenfree 2 is shaping up to be every bit as haunting as its predecessor, with choices and consequences designed to stick with you for a long time. The demo ends on a nice fat twist that I won’t spoil here, but returning players will likely pick up the breadcrumbs along the way. There are a lot of unsettling noises, ambient and otherwise, that create an eerie atmosphere. You have a radio you’ll need to tune to certain frequencies, although who knows what’s really lurking out there in the static. In my demo, this was limited to Riley’s boss, Evelyn, who teaches you how to navigate the island and explains your tasks and equipment. The walkie-talkie returns, but this time you can use it whenever, wherever to reach out to the different contacts you’ve made. Oxenfree 2, like its predecessor, also plays with the concept of invisible (or are they?) signals. Sharp but subtle dialogue is the centerpiece of character interactions. She soon discovers it’s also ripping dangerous holes in spacetime and is probably malevolent. Her new job as a research assistant sees her installing transmitters around Camena to investigate the source of a mysterious signal that is interfering with the local technology. You play as Riley, a young woman who goes back home to work through a complex relationship with her father, a single dad and war veteran. A sequel to the 2015 indie sensation, Night School Studio (now partnered with Netflix) is back with another round of atmospheric vibes, complex dialogue trees, and a spooky adventure bolstered by an all-new cast of dynamic characters. Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals wastes no time putting mystery front and center. You’re back in your hometown of Camena, starting a new job today. An apparition gives you a dire warning before you snap out of your dream and wake up at a bus stop. It's even worse to have no memory of how you got there, waves and thunderclaps crashing around you as you work your way up to the top of a lighthouse. It's never good to wake up on a beach during a violent storm.